helluva ting



Active member
Jun 9, 2010
ya know....sometime you just stumble into these events.

went fishing' today, not expecting much, mostly just beta gathering expectations and hoping to kick that skunk off my back.

and then the bio-strike hesitates just so, and what do you know?

that aint no dirty brown....


Happy Birthday to me indeed! probably the biggest wild brookie I've ever landed....surprise, surprise, surprise. never expected that. Definitely cracked the PA mythical 12" mark with this specimen....and not from a certain local spring creek, in case you're wondering.


Spring has sprung, btw...



It's funny how sometimes fate smiles our way when we least expect it. Great fish! Are you sure that's not just a mini net... ;)
Hellyeah. Congrats. Landing a 12" gemmie is an awesome feeling
Very nice.
Nice to see you took time to stop and "smell" the flowers also.
Very Nice! Good pics too.
That's an awesome fish. How big do you think it was?
That's an awesome fish. How big do you think it was?

Well, my net is a verified 14", so I'm gonna say a full bodied 13"+ a smidge....

That was the first fish of the day, with the car still in sight....and I was like...well, if that's the only one I catch today....I'll take it, totally unexpected. Did manage to dredge up a couple feisty browns here and there afterwards, this stretch of water hasn't really turned on for me yet this year.
Again, great fish, thanks for sharing.
Great fish. Congrats
Beautiful! Keep your field notebook handy, should be a gem of a year!
Nice fish! What size stream did you catch him in? A bigger brookie stream?
Awesome fish!

I had the opposite scenario happen on Saturday. Was fishing a stream where in 6 years I've only ever caught brookies (and I usually use streamers and nymphs there). A massive 13-14" fish came out from under a huge boulder and ate my fly...fight was on and I thought it was the biggest freestone brookie I've ever seen. Finally went to grab the fish and saw it was a brown! Then the hook popped out and that was that. No pic.