


New member
Jun 10, 2007
Just recently found the site and it looks to be an excellent source! I'm relatively new to flyfishing and will be trying my hand in the Cooksburg area. Anyone willing to share how they did fishing that area?

Tight lines!
Welcome to the board. Can't help you with the Cooksburg area, but sure someone on here can.
Welcome to the board.

I don't know that area, but post any questions you have. That's why we all come here! Just love to talk fishin'.

Oh and check out the county maps from the FBC online. They can be very helpful.
I used to spend a lot of time in the Cooksburg area. there are very few streams in that area that i haven't fished. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago. All the streams have fish in them. none are "great" trout streams as far as wild populations, but it is a beautiful area.

Don't overlook the river. Lots of smallmouth and some trout. Some vary large trout. Just not large numbers of them.