Hello everyone!



New member
Jun 7, 2013
Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone! I'm 34 and a central PA resident and really starting to get into fly fishing. So far I've hit up the typical locations: Yellow Breeches, Manada Creek, Wiconisco Creek, etc. and really enjoyed it. Just looking forward to learning from everyone to get better at it!
Welcome aboard NewFlyGuy.
Glad to have yuh - welcome to our conversation about fly fishing that never stops. :)
Welcome! We've got some fine water in the area. It all requires a little drive, but that's just the game here. Definitely hit Clarks and Stony when you can. In the immediate area, we've got the Susquehanna (..pass..), Swattie, and Connie for warm water action. Check those out in the coming months!
Awesome, thanks everyone! Clarks and Stoney are two that I'd like to hit. I'm not far from Stoney. Any suggestions as to where to go and what flies to try this time of year?
No 'e' in Dauphin's Stony :)

Start tying terrestrials for either. I have little luck on Stony outside of April-May, but perhaps others can give you better info. I have never gone into the bike/hike state game lands path a few miles up, but I do hear good things about it.

Clarks is in the heart of many from the area. It is beautiful, yet very close to HBG. You can fish in quiet seclusion or elbow-to-elbow. The biggest point is that you really can pull off the road anywhere along its stretch, park, and find trout where you set in. They are most numerous where stocked, but there is a sizable wild fishery there. I personally recommend closer to the Dehart dam than away from it, but that's based more on terrain preference and luck. Have sulphurs, cicada immitations, ants, tan caddis, and prince nymphs.
Welcome to the jungle!

And to a great place to learn and meet fellow fly-fishers.
Welcome, & enjoy it's a good place to be.
Great, thanks for the info! Yes I was having a hard time imagining Stony would be too great much after May from the couple of times I was there spin fishing years ago.

I didn't hit up Clarks right away because I've heard it can be low, slow moving, and clear, and tough to fish, and with my beginning skills I just checked out some other areas first. But I'm not far from there and would like to just pull off and try some of the areas along there to at least get the know the area and the water a bit better.
Let me add my"welcome aboard". GG