Heavy equipment at Big Spring



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
Central Maryland
I noticed a large backhoe at the parking lot by the Ditch. Are they doing a project there?

Also, there seems to be a new large PVC pipe going into the stream from the farm down below the next parking lot. I don't know if it's for intake or outflow. Anybody else know?
I noticed a large backhoe at the parking lot by the Ditch. Are they doing a project there?

Also, there seems to be a new large PVC pipe going into the stream from the farm down below the next parking lot. I don't know if it's for intake or outflow. Anybody else know?
If it is an intake pipe they are required to be permitted by the DEP to utilize the water. If it is an outflow pipe, I don't see how this could be allowed by the DEP and I would highly suggest reporting it or asking questions. Big Spring is either an HQ or EV cold water fishery for its designated use, and this is strictly managed by the DEP. Please follow up on this.
i haven't been back since, but if it's still there the next time I go, I'll take pictures. I was hoping some one more local would take the lead, as an out-of-stater isn't as likely to get a response.
i haven't been back since, but if it's still there the next time I go, I'll take pictures. I was hoping some one more local would take the lead, as an out-of-stater isn't as likely to get a response.
I would love to help but I am 2 hours away from the area and not familiar with the specific situation. If anyone local sees this please help!
I’m working 90 hours this week till sunday I will try to call monday DEP and PFBC and post
I’m working 90 hours this week till sunday I will try to call monday DEP and PFBC and post
Good lord bless your soul, 90 hours is crazy! I think it could potentially be a FBC project, but I can’t see any reason for a pipe to be entered in the stream from the farm. Plus if there is a backhoe I’m assuming they are moving dirt, which requires sedimentation BMPs to be in place.
Good lord bless your soul, 90 hours is crazy! I think it could potentially be a FBC project, but I can’t see any reason for a pipe to be entered in the stream from the farm. Plus if there is a backhoe I’m assuming they are moving dirt, which requires sedimentation BMPs to be in place.
Yea weeks like this are a blur, I will try to contact FBC about the equipment DEP about the pipe. Would you be able to throw a drop pin screen shot up about where you saw the pipe with river left/river right incase they ask in relation to the lot?
Yea weeks like this are a blur, I will try to contact FBC about the equipment DEP about the pipe. Would you be able to throw a drop pin screen shot up about where you saw the pipe with river left/river right incase they ask in relation to the lot?
That’s a question for @redietz to answer!
I’m working 90 hours this week till sunday I will try to call monday DEP and PFBC and post
It may very well be gone by now; my post was 6 weeks ago. Left side of the stream (facing downstream) between the last two "dams" above the farmer's lane downstream from the first parking lot . This is a very rough guess;


The pipe itself had a tee head.
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Oh was it not a permanent pipe? I see people lay those hoses down to withdrawals water in other places
Oh was it not a permanent pipe? I see people lay those hoses down to withdrawals water in other places
I don't know. It wasn't a hose, it was PVC pipe a foot or so in diameter. Not something that would be quickly installed or removed. It could have contained stream monitoring equipment for all I know.
I may go check it out next week if I get time first thanks for letting me know
Unrelated to these issues, but the last time I was there, the farmer on the road side right upstream from Nealy had a big gas powered water pump sitting on the bank with an intake hose in the stream. I was surprised that was permitted, and maybe it wasn’t, but I never contacted anyone about it.
For some reason over the years despite being one of the most ecologically unique/valuable and high quality angling experiences that stream just seems like it never gets the attention the letort and yellow breeches do from a water quality conservation issues standpoint from volunteer groups. There needs to be a “friends of Big Spring Creek” or watershed group there if one doesn’t already exist. From the terrible phosphorus pollution, ensuring water withdrawals are permitted and not excessive if permitted, doing what can be done with invasive species, and helping with agricultural best management practices to decrease sediment and nutrients coming down those steep hills right out of barnyards/fields. If I hadn’t gotten involved with something closer to my house for logistical purposes and it was a closer drive to go meet landowners and restoration consultants as often as I do, that would be the stream id want to work with.
To what degree are these stream withdrawals allowed? I see them all over Lancaster County on creeks and even trickles.
Yea i saw someone doing it on the Hammer but they pulled away before i could get a plate