Heading to Spring



Active member
Jan 15, 2013
Heading out to Spring Creek tomorrow morning. Have not fished there in years. Looking forward. May have to explore anorther stream or two as well. Going to meet up with lv2nymph. Should be a blast. Give you the report when we get back. Can't make it next week to the jam,

So jealous...Send pics!!
Good luck, GC!

Say hello to lv2fshdries for me.

Doesn't get any better than a good stream, lotsa fish, and great company. Enjoy!
Ok, I guess I can't deny it. dc410, Jeff, a pastor from Raleigh Nc, and I did pretty good on the sulphurs yesterday. Caught them all the way through, from nymphs to emergers, to dries. Tonight my best was a 17"er on a size 20 bwo. Felt great on the new three wt. Dang midges did us in at o dark thirty. :-x Mike, I'm really looking foreword to shaking some fins with ya, safe travels.
Good luck GenCon. The stream conditions are great. Definitely let us know how you did. I had a great time last night with Jack and Jeff. It was by far my most memorable evening on Spring ever. Seeing the sulphur hatch just getting started was cool and the soft hackle wets and sulphur emergers treated me well. Those Spring Creek brownies sure are beautiful fish! It served as a primer for me for the Jam next week ...... Gotta tie up a few more emergers ......... Gettin' pumped!
Had a great trip. My buddy Mike " his screen name is Mic" met up with Jack "Lv2nymph" He is a great guy. He showed us some of his favorite haunts. We caught some awesome fish. Jack spent some time with Mic teaching him how to tight line. Mic got it right away and caught quite a few fish. He caught some very hefty ones as well. Jack is a good teacher.

The first evening Jack took us to FF Paradise. Hatches were sparse. A caddis here and there a few sulphurs. We all still managed to catch our share of fish on drys.

While talking at one spot. Jack noticed a fish rising across the stream. Of course it was in a very tight spot. He mentioned the very tiny cream midges that were in the air. Someone said, what does a midge dryfly look like. I Had a box of my Dads midge flys. My Dad passed away a few years ago I have kept a ton of his flys. I like to think he is smiling down on us when myself or someone else uses one. I pulled out a size 24 cream midge dry and handed it to Jack. He cringed a bit at the size and said something like how the heck do I tie this on. But he did it. He then went for the fish across the stream and proceded to hook a tall weed behind him about 10' high. With that Mic, Jeff the preacher and myself proceded to rescue that midge fly. It took all three of us to break down that 10' tall weed. But we did it and saved the fly. There was 2-guys below us watching the fiasco. They were from France and probably thought American fishermen are a bit strange. But Jack was back in action. You know he got that fish from across the stream. I am sure my Dad got a kick out of that.
We all caught a few fish on dries that eve.

2nd day. Mostly nymphing morning and during the day. I caught a huge rainbow on a PT nymph. Mic caught some killer huge fish with his newly learned nymphing technique.
Ended the day At a different area of FF Paradise. Quite a few more sulphurs then. I ended the night with 10 fish on a size 16 sulphur sparkle dun with a bunny wing. Mic had only 4. I did not feel bad because Mic kicked my butt during the day. Using his newly learned technique. Mic is becoming a great fly fisherman.
I was thrilled for him.
All in all a great trip. Jack thanks for all your help.

I could use a tight line nymphing lesson! Sounds like liv2nymph is a good teacher!
That #censor# doesn't work.
Mike it was my pleasure, it was very nice to meet the both of you and spend some time on stream. Just how many people does it take to get a midge out of a sapling? :-? I think I was meant to catch my first trout on a midge that night. I thank you for the use of one of your fathers ties. We must have looked nuts to those two from france, although they did encroach rather close to Jeff in that pool. Mic did take to that style of nymphing like a fish takes to water, he was on it. I look forward to your next trip over this way.
Jack, it was a blast. We are thinking about coming in June. 1st or 2nd week. This time we will be dragging Tyger along. Whether he wants to or not LOL.

Hear that Tyger?

I heard that. Sounded like you really made an impression Jack. I wish I coulda seen mics face with that pig trout!
Tight stringing for trouties: )