Heading to Kettle Creek, Anyone been lately?



Nov 5, 2006
My son and I are heading to Kettle Creek next weekend. Just wanted to see if anyone has been there lately and what the conditions are like.
Will be there Friday through Sunday, camping at Kettle Creek State Park. If anyone is around, we'll be cooking salmon over the fire Saturday night.
March Browns, March Browns, March Browns...make sure u got them nice and big! Was incredible for an hour today but the rain ended up shutting everything down. Water is still up a bit but its at a nice level. Also saw some Pale Morning Duns (or evening), some real small BWOs, and probably some sulphurs soon. There were even some left over Hendrecksons it looked like today. I don't hear many good reports from Kettle but like I said I hit it great for an hour today...the other 7 hours I was there I could have stayed home.
Where is the Kettle? im thinking about taking a trip down there in the future,last week a buddy of mine caught a 25in brown out of the Lackawanna River with a Hare's Ear bead head then let him go..Cheers to him!!!