Head cement substitute?



Feb 20, 2007
Meadville, Crawford County
I'm out of head cement and a drive to the closest fly shop would break the bank in gas, LOL! Is there a substitute that could be purchased at say Walmart or Home Depot, etc?
My local dollar store has super glue with a brush applicator for a $1, I have been using that for a couple months and am happy with it for most of my flys. If I want a gloss head I have been using hard as nails finger nail polish ( again from the dolllar store ) and like it as well.

Sally Hansen, Hard as Nails. Nail polish and cheaper than head cement. Used by alot of tyers.
i always use sally hansen,i get it several bottles at a time and get rid of it when it starts to get thick.

i also use black nail polish,but i get that at an asian nail place,no specific brand.
i used a product called "duco cement " in a pinch, not sure if they still make it but it seemed to work ok
I ran out a long time ago and never bought it again. I guess I sacrifice durability, but I don't really miss it that much.
I stopped using head cement altogether about a year ago and I don't miss it.
Thanks every one, I may or may not get some nail polish! :)
Like Jack, I stopped using head cement. I whip finish all my flies and never have the head come undone without using cement. I do use head cement for some streamers and flies with built up heads. As some pointed out "Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails" is hard to beat for coating streamers and wing cases .

BTW Shakey, acetone is a thinner for Sally Hansen's.
Goop thinned with Toluene..makes a great vinal cement..
i support Nail polish.
I use a regular head cement for most flies but stole a bottle of my wife's nail polish she had when she was a kid that has glitter in it. I use that for some streamers, buggers, etc. I also put a dab of it on top of my trico's to put a bit of flash on top for better visability. It's pretty think but adds a bit of flash to my flashy flies and works as my finishing cement also. Two birds.
For my personally flies I use a double whip finish and only have ever had 1 whip finish come unravelled (but the second stayed).

For pike flies I use Sally Harden's Hard as Nails. I also use it for a few other things.

When I was teaching fly tying to youth I purchased I bottle of head cement, because we finished flies with half hitches. I have the remaindered in one of those applicator bottles. I do like this set up and use it on occassion now, for certain flies.

As a side note, to keep head cement from getting thick faster, instead of removing the lid to stick in your bodkin, replace the original lid with a ketchup lid (preferably cleaned first). This limits the air that enters the bottle every time it's opened.
AK Best uses plain lacquer. I got some at Lowes. About $6.00 for a quart ( i think). Probably last me 10 years or more. If it gets thick just add a few drops of lacquer thinner.
I think it's called "Stop a gap"

Lots of places sell it.
This is not a substitute, but a product I highly recommend.

Fly Tite Cement from Feather Crafters


This is non toxic, no bad smells, and the viscosity is like water. Penetrates threads great, even on very small hooks, ie small head. I like it a lot, and a bottle goes a long long way.
