?HD Night Vision glasses?



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Any good? I see the ads on WFN and these look like slightly tinted (amber?) over-glasses that sound like they are polarized, and maybe coated with an anti-reflecting treatment.


I don't know the product but what you're suggesting is that they're simply yellow tinted lenses.

A yellow filter cuts blue light, increasing contrast and clarity. Putting a yellow lens in front of your eye will cause a drop in light transmissiion and also increase the clarity somewhat.

I expect at night its completely useless. The extra light you would've gotten w/o the filter in place is offset by the gains in clarity. At dawn and dusk, OTOH, you'll be able to see a bit better due to the cutting of the blue wavelengths of light and extra contrast.



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gfen is right. Psychotic, but absolutely right.

If there's no electronics, they don't actually increase your visibility in the dark. And if there's any tint at all, they reduce light transmission so they will indeed reduce your ability to see in the dark. Polarizers already cut out 50% of light transmission. Any tint on top of that cuts it further

I do like yellow lenses for in the daytime or under a canopy. They increase contrast and thus make you able to see detail better, while still appearing fairly bright. Might also be good for night driving, especially on well lit roadways, i.e. reducing glare of road reflections while not dimming things so much that you can't see.

They may also be better than your other polarized glasses for at dusk. Though nomatter what, at dusk, contrast will be compromised, glare reduced naturally (lessening the need for glasses), and your not gonna see much in the water anyway.

But calling them night vision is marketing crap. Night vision means a powered amplifier which INCREASES the amount of light reaching your eyes in the dark. If no batteries or power source, they aren't night vision.
When did les change from a bucket hat to a helmet? That's a good look that might catch on.