Hay, what happened?



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
Saturday coffeee was boring this morning.
Been trying to get he developer I use to fix some of the issues. Looks like he worked on the site and fixed some. But in his efforts set off some alarms on my hosting company that then throttled down the server. As a result the site is finally getting back to normal.

It is the only way to describe it.
Much thanks, Dave.
noticed since the maintanence the read posts flag has been wonky again.
dkile wrote:
do you have more details please

Best I can give, sometimes the blue envelope next to the thread is still solid, despite having read the new messages. This follows through to the primary forum display.

For the first time, I've also noticed it is shaded out despite having unread messages in a forum.

Two browsers at play, both up to date Safari and Firefox. If you want versions, I can give them.

Blblblb, clearing cookies not done. I'll go do that now and let you know what I see at the end of the day.

edit: don't need to wait that long. firefox is my at-work browser, cleared cookies and restarted about a minute after this post was made. its as chaotic as ever with the new message indicator. sorry.
I absolutely, positively NEVER look at how the folders are shaded. Somehow, I rarely navigate to threads I know I'm "up-to-date" on. Perhaps I see the colors subliminally, or else my memory is sharper than gfens in the short-term.
JackM wrote:
Perhaps I see the colors subliminally, or else my memory is sharper than gfens in the short-term.

I did alot of drugs.
You're old.

Its a wash!

Performance, as noted by beadhead, has gone down dramatically since the maintenance, as well. Its not just one single point, its pretty much across the board. I see alot of "waiting for server" messages in the activity area of the browser.
Honestly, I think its quicker now than it has been in recent trips.
gfen is right !!!!
The site is flying this morning
Thanks Dave
If you did not do anything Dave ,thanks anyway !!!!!!!!

appears the unread post notification thingy is working better, too.

Yep seems to be back on track now. I think I understand what was going on now.

Fish on