Havice Creek at Treaster Valley Rd



Active member
Sep 18, 2006
Milroy PA
Yesterday afternoon I fished Treater Run in the Bald Eagle SF. On my drive out of the SF on Treaster Valley Rd I noticed what appeared to be recently installled in-stream devices on Havice Creek immediately upstream of the Trester Valley Rd crossing, just before the intersection of TV Rd and Sigerville Pike.

Lat. 40.743301
Long. -77.529448

Does anyone have any info on this project? It appeared to be located on an Amish farm, but I was wondering who designed and implemented it, and what it's goals were. I didn't have time to stop and examine it closely, but intend to do so someday. Thanks.
I know where you mean...right upstream of the "No Fishing on Sundays" sign, right? :lol:

Havice is stocked in that stretch so I assume the log deflectors there are just to slow down the flow and make some slack holding water for the stockies. Otherwise naturally that area would appear to be a pretty straight, shallow riffle. It's right by the road and a convenient place to dump stockies and easy access for anglers thanks to the access provided by the land owner (as you mentioned, what appears to be an Amish farm). I've never fished it there...more appealing water (and less cows) further upstream in the SF.
Swattie: I think you're in the right place. I'm guessing the holsteins had trampled the banks to smithereens, increasing the channel width. The lowest device seemed to span the entire channel, so it may have been intended for grade control to protect the upstream structures from head cut. Just a guess.

I had not noticed the "No fishing on Sundays" sign, but it was a Saturday, so I could have safely ignored it nonetheless. I have never fished Havice up in the BSF, but hope to someday. Is it as crowded by Rhodies as Treaster?
Havice is tight in some places but overall not too bad...it's smaller to start with than Treaster though too. Treaster is weird for a fairly low gradient stream...there are stretches where the rhodo really chokes it off, but other stretches where there is hardly any.
I am not at all familiar with Havice and only fished Treaster once, so I'm uninitiated you might say. Would you say that the Rhody on Treaster is concentrated in the upper reaches, say above Bear Gap, or are there dense stands throughout the BESF? I only fished it near Strongs Improvement Rd and the Rhody was not too bad in that particular location.
There's thick pockets of it lower in the SF section too. Between where you fished and the bridge in the SF it gets pretty choked out and unfishable for a while.
I surveyed Havice and Treaster years ago. Havice held fingerling and adult wild brooks and browns within the stocked stretch.