Have you ?



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
While fishing yesterday I was looking at some BWO duns and realized that some have big redish orange eyes and they stand out when looking at the bottom of the fly .
So I have noticed that some people swear on adding egg sacks on there dries or that the fish are only hitting the female fly that is hatching like tricos or hendricksons . So what i'm asking is, do people tie to imatate the eyes of May flies . Or am I crazy to think this :oops:
I believe only males have red eyes.

Not on BWO's but a lot of different mayflies. It's an easy way to tell the difference between the gneders.
I would think that imitating the eyes on a mayfly is to satisfy the tyer, not the fish.
Coming soon to a fly shop near you....MAYFLY EYES! They come in 8 colors and 6 sizes down to #20. Ony $0.20 per pair. :cool:

Seriously, maybe building a thread head in a particular color would work. Most likely, you're over thinking things (something I'm constantly guilty of). I understand why: wwhen heavily pressured trout take out calipers and meaure your fly it'll make you crazy.

BTW, some male mayflies have really cool looking eyes.
I thought about tying some up with redish orange thread heads and trying my luck LOL
I've seen fish be picky with tail, leg, and parachute color, so I'm sure head color would fit in there as well.
Fred........yer not crazy , just lookin close at the food and paying attention to details , try burning the ends of some mono until you get that ball on the end , paint em orange , tie em in and have at it. Let us know how you make out.
Funny you mention this I grabbed one late last week off the water and brought it home. When I set it on my desk the rusty eyes is one of the first things I noticed as well.

Brown (camel) head rusty eyes. hmmmmm I think they make colored glue.... now all i need is a hypodermic needle!

Use one of those cement dropper. I have one for head cement. An expensive tool, but worth it (well maybe not for glue)