have sole??



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
have an old pair of bootfoots, need to reglue the felts, any recommendations?
be nice to have these as a backup on longer trips.
Here are some past PAFF posts with a lot of good info on the subject. Good luck.




Works like a charm.
Bikerfish...........if you can find a shoe repair shop in your area they do a pretty good job , have the right tools and equipment , pretty cheap and guaranteed work , there was one on main street in Steelton who repaired waders and was really good at it.
wow, a shoe repair guy! haven't heard that term in a while! when I worked in sewickley many moons ago, there was a shoe repair guy named tony, he was italian and everyone just called him tony the shoe. what a character. I've picked up some goop and gonna give it a shot myself.
I used goop on my felts when they started to come off of the cheap boots I bought at Cabin fever 2 years ago. No issues what so ever now. Just put some weight on the shoes somehow to make sure they stick. I also used goop for my wader repair. (which reminds me I have another leak or two I still need to fix)

A cobler is a dying trade. I've seen a few here and there but it just isn't worth it unless you have a very expensive pair of work shoes. I looked into getting my $100 pair of work shoes resoled and it would have cost about $75 to get it done... doesn't make sence. Not sure what it would cost to get felt put back on, but for some back up waders I probably wouldn't spend the money.
Sierratradingpost.com has some killer deals on Simms felt sole wading boots right now...
