Hatteras Island - Avon- Buxton Sound wading



Active member
Dec 2, 2009
Has anyone fly fished on the sound side for small stuff near Avon .... just wading, not from a boat. Thank you.
not for some years though I am going in sept. (fingers crossed). It can be done but is better in a boat. There are kayak rentals there and that would be the best wat to fish it.
No experience in the sound that far down, though I'd be very interested if you find anything.

On the South side of Oregon inlet, there are some flats, with interspersed holes, which are popular. Also, if you walk the trail back to the sound from the Bodie Island lighthouse, there's a little dock and a channel there, and we always got a few sea trout in that channel.

The inlets are always popular, but you are smack dab halfway between Oregon and Hatteras inlets, so it's at half hour or so to either.

There's a spot not far south of Avon that's fairly famous, called Canadian Hole. You'll battle the kiteboarders and stuff. But some shallows with sharp drop offs.

Look on satellite maps. Anywhere where you have shallows that drop off quickly would be good. Agree that a kayak would be the best way to get to most of them.

Oh yeah, and the beach should fish decently well.
pcray is right on with spots to fish up that way. As far as flies ive been fishing that area for a while and Black and orange Clousers with copper flash. Red and black Clousers as well, small all white Clousers work too. The fly i was really working two weeks ago was a rattle shrimp that Orvis makes.