Has anybody fished the Erie tribs recently?



Sep 27, 2011
I'm heading up to Erie this week and was looking for stream updates. Are they fishable? Shelf ice? Slush? Anybody catch any fresh fish? Tight lines and happy new year
Here's lower Elk- blow out.
lower elk

Gonna turn much colder next several days.

I don't know what others do but I use this gage at about 1.75-1.80 as good conditions.

elk gage
They're supposed to get snow too. Some today but mostly tomorrow. I saw 3"-5".
ice on the tribs earlier last week than blown out with snow melt. getting colder this week should have ice by Tuesday temps are going to plunge. Dress warm and be prepared for possible impassable driving conditions . Just this past week I 90 was closed down 3 times for jack knifed trucks. One incident 28 people went to hospital. Just a heads up.
I don't know as if I'd bother. Even with a little rain and above freezing air temps for the 36 hour period ending this morning, Elk at PA 99 is just barely higher than normal and partially frozen over. Probably slushy as well. Then, depending on which weather service you look at, we're supposed to get between 10-25" of snow between now and Tuesday along with night time temps in the single digits.
Friday fished great, shore ice with the middle mainly open, big slow holes were iced but if you were willing to spend a few minutes to break some ice it was worth it. Fish ate everything we threw at them, nobody on the tribs, it was one of the best afternoons of the year. Even got a bunch to chase down streamers. There are some cleaner/fresher fish around but mixed with some oldies. With the temps the next two days, expect it to freeze back up and become unfishable. Watch for a day or two break in the weather because it has been opening up enough to fish when those breaks happen. Stay to the middle to upper portions of the creek. Ice jams form quickly down below.