Harvey Water



New member
Sep 19, 2014
I had some fun today on the Harvey water section of Spruce. I was wondering what everyone's opinions were on the fish here. The rainbows don't appear to have been stocked recently (they look like they have lived in the stream for a couple years) but it sounds like they started out in private water on Spruce. Are some bows and browns coming up from the Little J? Also, I did not target spawning fish. These were caught nymphing in deep feeding runs. Fire away.


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Spruce Creek is a stocked Class A limestone stream. The clubs put fish in. But those look like wild fish, though the pics don't show the fins and close-ups of the fish.
Those are some nice looking fish, regardless of where they were born.

While it's possible those fish came up from the Little J, I think it's more likely they're resident fish (though not necessarily stream bred).

Have you given any thought to getting a better camera? Your fish catching skills would make it a good investment.

Most importantly, kudos to you for setting a good example of concern for spawning fish. Well done!
thats a lovely fall brown - he has a slight kype.

wild or not thats a lovely fish.
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Have you given any thought to getting a better camera?

What you see in those photos is a deliberate "vintage" effect. It supposed to look like old faded film photos from back in the day.

The Harvey stretch is Class A, so it has a lot of wild trout. But trout stocked in other stretches end up in there also. Some "river fish" may move up in there also, especially in fall spawning season.
Whether wild or not, they are nice trout. They probably originated in the property just below the project, which is an evil empire property. Nice some of those fish get out so that we of the "free lunch crowd," as beaver has referred to us, can catch them.

A sidelight: When some of the empire's fish, esp. rainbows, escape into public water on Yellow Creek and certain people land them, these fishermen kill them, and at least one of these guys feeds the big YC pelletheads to his cats, which I think is pretty appropriate.
Thanks everyone. The photos were taken on my friend's phone, so the quality and style were up to his capabilities. A better camera might be in order after I graduate. These photos had to be compressed so that affected the quality too.

As for the fish, I didn't remember to take note of the rainbow's fins. The brown had an adipose and smooth pectorals, but a rough looking anal fin.

Also, I am proud to be a member of the "free lunch crowd."

Nice fish.

The Harvey water is a place I haven't made it to. I wanted to stop and look at it sometime.