Harvey Leader formula for larger flies



Feb 15, 2010
Has anyone ever seen a Harvey slack leader formula for 2x or 3x leaders? All I've ever seen is the 4x and 5x formulas. Does such a thing exist or is there an unwritten way to modify the 4x formula for heavier tippets?
The goal of the Harvey leader formula is to create a leader that lays out pretty straight in the butt section and lays in curves in the tippet sections to prevent drag on your dry fly. I have found that to get this result requires some tweaking and experimentation anyway because it depends to some degree on the type of dry fly you are using. (Large, small, bushy, sparse heavy, light, etc.) For example the tippet section may need to be shorter and/or thicker for bug, bushy flies because they are more wind resistant. (They have more wind resistance so they don't turn over well with a long, thin tippet.)
This is a long winded way of saying I think you need to experiment and test a bit to get the action you want. (Regardless of the final tippet diameter.)
My recommendation would be to simply stop tapering down the diameters and simply make the 2x or 3x section longer until you get the turnover/slack balance you want. Maybe tie the last tippet section long, like 4 ft, then tie on a fly and test cast. Cut it back until the turnover is what you want. Then you have a starting point and you can adjust for different types of flies.
BTW, I have stopped doing as many steps as Harvey called for in the base section of hard mono. I think the 10ft leader formula had 5 different diameters of hard mono. I never use more than 3 now, and for shorter leaders, only 2.
So say you want a approx 9 ft 2x leader. Here is what I would suggest for a starting point:
Maxima Chameleon:
0.017" - 1.5ft
0.015" - 3ft
0.012" - 2ft
tippet material:
2x - 2.5ft - start with maybe like 4ft and test and adjust as required
For a 3x tippet, just cut back the 2x to 1 to 1.5ft and add a long section of 3x and test/adjust again
This is solid info, thanks Kev.