Harmans Cabins this weekend



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Hello All,

I ended up booking a cabin for this weekend up at Harmans. Its been on my list of places to try and since its relatively close (4.5hr) away I was able to get a night with my girlfriend this weekend.

I obviously plan to do a full day (atleast as full as I can, atleast 6-8hrs) worth of fishing the river. Any helpful tips would be appreciated in terms of anywhere else I should venture off and try besides the obvious waterway in front of the cabin properties. I wouldnt mind trying totally different waters if they are relatively close to the property (5-10miles)
Of course looks like rain the day before and during my stay. Hopefully it doesnt make fishing a crapshoot.
The rain wont affect fishing there. My wife and I were there in October during the Hurricane don t remember the name but we got a lot of rain and still caught fish. Just swing some buggers.
Have a great time share some pictures and please tell them you are from Paflyfish!!

Hope the weather holds out for you. If the river by the cabins blows out and is unfishable, try Seneca Creek as a backup plan. Even that can sometimes be too high though, but all of its tributaries contain brook and rainbow trout. You should be able to find somewhere to catch fish. Beautiful area!
Thanks all. will do
If you try seneca be aware because if i remember correct there is rock snot in there.
And some creepy hillbillies after a mile or so hike in to the waterfalls area. Beware.
Streams were a total blow out. Hiked Seneca rocks, that was cool. Also drove up through dolly sods mountain area, that probably made the trip half worth it. Climbing the elevation and it then being snow packed was cool. Will post pics later. I have a whole years worth of a fishing license up there to use so I guess ill be making a few trips back to get some fishing in
Heres a bunch of pics from the trip.Unfornuately the water levels were totally blown out, go figure. But it means I will have to take another trip or two up there in 2019 atleast since I have a whole WV license for the year.

Besides Seneca creek and the Cranberry river, does anyone have a contact with Harmans or atleast would be able to work out some one day only fly fishing discount on their river for me? I was tinking with the idea of going up very soon, like within the next month to give it another shot to fish their stretch of river. But I wouldnt want to dine @ $200 a night again. Especially since I will be giving them 12 guys/3 cabin rentals for 2 nights later this year. I convined my brother and friends to spend a weekend there this year.

I also recently got a tent that attaches to my SUV so would be excited to use that as well. IF anyone knows anyone who can pull any strings to lower that $100 a day pass, please let me know.




















Thanks for the post and pictures. I feel bad for you about the weather and water levels. I used to live in WV and am a frequent tourist.
You stayed in our favorite cabin at Harmans. Sorry the river was blown out. That has happened to us on several occasions. Was Seneca too high to fish also? I hope your next trip will find the waters fishable.
Hi guys.. I'm heading to Harman's at the end of the week. Do any of you know what a safe CFS number is to wade the stream?
I've had good days fishing it as high as 1,200 but 800 is more manageable. There are spots you can wade across at 200 but I don't think you'll see anything near that this week!