Hardy Marquis Salmon 1



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
I know really nothing about this reel. To be honest, someone is looking to trade me this reel for something I have for sale valued at $225. It was made in the early 90s and is the Made in England version. I am not a vintage tackle kinda guy, I mean some stuff is pretty sweet, but I am not a collector of old schnit.

Would this basically be used for a spey rod set up? Have had thoughts about purchasing a set up in a few years and I guess I could use this reel in the future if so. If I bail on that idea would I have a hard time getting my money back from this trade?


That's a fair price for the real, especially if it's in good shape. A lot of spey guys like that as a reel, it would probably work on a 13' or so 7wt spey. Here is a link to another for sale: http://www.speypages.com/speyclave/showthread.php?t=132481
if you want it for fishing - thats a good deal. the Korean ones are $400 new, the English ones are around $300 on ebay dot UK.

its designed for a 9 or 10 wt rod and line, and weighs accordingly.

but unless you fish a lot for salmon or steelhead DH with 9 wt lines, i'd say its a nice collectors item and the Gaspe and BC boys would love it.

if you want more specific advice, post a Q on speypages, they are a friendly crew and very knowledgeable on gear.


Nice reel for its intent. You should be able to fish it lightly, feed and water it and get your money back at any time if you sell it.