Happy T-Day!

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
hi everyone :-D
goin up north to grandmas for thanksgiving. gonna eat some turkey and do some wild trout fishing! one of my favorite streams in pa is in lackawanna county. brookies and browns.....turkey and wine whats better than that! :pint:
anyways happy thanksgiving to everyone, enjoy it!
Allow me to add my best wishes here also. Of the many things I can be thankful for, this community is near the top. I've met so many great friends here, and many of them started out as people I couldn't stand! :-D
I am about to emark on another Thanksgiving day pilgrimage to Pittsburgh to visit Family and Friends...as many as I can on Thursday. Then it is off to Erie to tussle with a few steelies until Sunday. Monday morning will see us driving back to York playing our annual game of Count the Hunters. Four hours in a car with four kids on the opening day of Buck Season in rural Pennsylvania. Ther'll be plenty of hunters in the woods to keep us busy.

I give thanks for the opportunity to make those trips, for the company I'll keep and with the company we keep here at PAFlyfish. And of course for the work Dave puts into this to make our meeting place more plesant.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Maurice :-D
I'll be having a quiet Turkey Day at home with my crew, then I'll be seeing Maurice and Mick in Erie over the weekend. I'm hoping to get my annual lesson in using a bobber for trout!

Thanks Dave for maintaining this site. I can honestly say that no other thing has contributed so much to my enjoyment of the sport. While Dave deserves thanks for making it possible, all the rest of you deserve thanks for making it so valuable. As a result of this community, I can travel almost anywhere in the Commonwealth and have a knowledgable guide and pleasant fishing companion all for free-- and believe me, I have taken advantage of those opportunities. And if my travels give me a fishing opportunity inconvenient to hook up with a local I have met here, I'll be sure to have helpful advice as to where to fish, where to park and what to use.

For the second year in a row, I hope to be spending five days in the Smoky Mountains with a group of anglers that I met on this Board. Add to that our yearly Jamboree with the great fishing and fun-filled fire rings and there is no contest about what has contributed most to my enjoyment of this great sport.

Have a great day, hopefully a long weekend from work and a cherishable time with friends and family. :-D
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you guys and your families. I am off to spend Thanksgiving with my Daddy O, Baby Brother and the rest of the Gethouas family. Looks like he has not posted in awhile hopefully he is busy making my chicken livers wrapped in bacon. Perhaps I can get him to go Black Friday Shopping with me.... AHAHAHA you all know that is not happening.... Padriac best to you and your family.

Paul G Daughter
I want to wish everyone on the forum a happy Thanksgiving Day. I was going to say that I didn’t have anything special planned for the day, but having my children and grand kids here for the day is always special day. I will take a break from working in the woodshop, I just finished up on a tying desk and now building a desk for my daughter for Christmas.

Thanks All! I am heading to the Philly area for turkey and the family. Football, Red Wine, and too much food with an extra sprinkling of noisy kids and dogs for good measure. All good stuff!

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I have really tried to make this our site. I am getting closer to getting back on track to some ideas that I have slowed up on the site.

The Streams Reports is very important to me and have a mock-up site working, but still not ready for prime time. The goal is to get all 5,000+ old reports on line again that can be searched.

The Streams Location section is underway. Pad, Maurice, and a few others are helping me get started. I want to have six regions viewable before spring with about 12-15 streams commented on. I hope to include maps and pictures. If any feels they can help out please let me know!

Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving!

uhhhhhhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmmm! That was good! I think I'll have another glass of wine, pass out and dream of steelhead.
Better late then never...Happy turkey to all!

Spent my day at my Son's house. We have a very nice day and the food was outstanding, thanks to my son and Daughter in Law and my Grandson who also helped with the cooking.

Can't wait to hear the stories and hopefully some pic's from the Erie trip. Good luck Maurice, Jack and all!
Every year we go to my uncles house, its the whole clan...about thirty of us. He assigns recipies for us to make. Mine this year required smoked salmon.

Well that lone buck from erie went in the smoker wed night. after a bag of hickory chips and half a case of beer the fish was smoked and my father and i were pickled.

I can't decide if it was the mercury or the PCB's but it was by far the best smoked fish I have ever had.

It was a very PAFF.com Thanksgiving!
I'm with PaulG...better late than never, so thanks to the moderators and the good folks who contribute here. I really appreciate having a home state site that is, as JackM notes, a great community to be part of.