Happy 50th



Apr 5, 2017
I was checking some of my equipment and found my old Shakespeare Presudential Wonderrod. I'm pretty sure I got the pole for my 16th birthday. That would make it our 50 year anniversary in Sept. I took her out and caught a bunch of Trout last week. It sure brought back some old memories. If anyone looking for a glass rod for under $100.00 you can't beat those Wonderrods. That was the only rod I fished for quite a few years.

There is always a couple on the big auction site and most go for under $100.00.
One good thing about those rods.

If you get attacked by Great Danes while fishing, you'll be ready for them.

You could just start swinging away. I don't think the rod would break.

wonder rods sure are fun!

i did have one explode in m hand once,but i traded the pieces and case(it was a heavy duty aluminum tube) for a counterfeit phillipson.

gotta love it.