Hank Patterson Nymphing Video



Active member
Jun 19, 2010
I am posting this just to make sure all you nymph flyfishers(yes I admit I am one) watch the Hank Patterson video on the PAFF home page. It is REALLY funny. I almost fell off my chair laughing while watching it. Check it out guys.
Yes I enjoyed that
yep, bobbers & bait...he pretty much hit the nail on the head, my girlfriend even got a chuckle out of it.
All i could think of was sbecker...sorry shane. :-D :-D
mend it...mend it...mend it...mend it...mend it...
I hate nymphing.......seriously.

I am only pretty good at it because I was a good bait fishermen. Meh
Put a hard mend in it...get your shoulder into it...start at 6 mend it hard, end at 6.

Hahaha, this is great. His other videos are hilarious too!
SBecker wrote:
I hate nymphing.......seriously.

I am only pretty good at it because I was a good bait fishermen. Meh

True dat for anyone.

I teach a lot of noob FFers. Many of them are/were pretty decent bait fisherman. If they applied what they learned fishing bait (not the casting part...the fishing part:roll:) they would be a lot more successful nymphing.

As a kid, I graduated from FSHK (The Flyfishing School of Hard Knocks) but I caught fish on flies right from the start because I just fished flies the same way I fished bait. Didn't know the right way.
Step 1 - admit you're not good enough to catch fishon dry flies

^^ haha. You know what the difference between bait guys and nymph FFers?.....nothing.

That girl was a real good sport to play along! Gotta give her credit!
What are you talking about? He offered her a beer. :-D
Wonder what happened to his regular client, Reese?
Then go home, post your picture on Facebook, and title it "hitting dries!" LOVE IT!!
I watched about a third of it. I guess I'm just too old to appreciate his attempt at humor. I thought it was stupid. Sorry.
IMHO, not one of his better vids. Some of them are downright halarious.
Yes, I enjoy his humor, but this one was a little bit drawn out. With this amount of material, he should have condensed the video to about half the length.
i thought it was hilarious!