Hands free body mount GPS holder



Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007

I'm looking for a way to mount a handheld GPS to my body. I would like to be able to do this while backpacking, with a full pack, or while fishing with a full chest pack, or with no pack. This would serve a number of purposes - keep the GPS level most of the time, to prevent the parallax and loss of position I observed the first time, while it was bouncing around in my coat pocket, make fumbling in a vest pocket unncessary, provide easy visual indication for where I'm at, and provide the ability to enter waypoints quicker, without having to open a pocket, pull out the GPS, and the put it away and close the pocket.

I have found this holder, which comes in a chest and waist format, which may or may not work, depending on how it would fit with a backpack or chest pack. I bought a Lowe Alpine GPS holder, which is a decent enough case, but still need to figure out how to mount it, if I don't go with the Tree Ghost model, or find an alternative.
