Handicap Access - Scanton Area?



New member
Feb 13, 2012
I am not a new flyfisherman but have not been in Pa. long. I had a total knee replacement two months ago and am still very gimpy.I live in NC but have a summer trailer near Scranton. I hope to be going north on Tuesday, if my surgeon gives the OK on Monday.

I know I can't wade a freestone stream yet, I don't think I would want to stand in flowing water yet. My rehab has me walking 5-6 times a day but the max I can do is about a half mile, and that is on flat pavement, hills-not even steep-are a thing I must avoid.

Any ideas where I could fish? Do I need a Pa. handicap pass of some sort to fish there. Thanks for any info.
Can't help you will handicap access, but good luck with the knee replacement.

I had both replaced and one reconstructed due to a fall. Both are doing great.
Don't know about any trout streams, but you could try lakes with easy shore access or a handicap dock or something for warmwater fish. Better than not fishing. Good luck.
Lackwanna lake has a handicap access dock and more than a few of the PAFBC ponds have areas where the shore line is fairly level and easy walking.

Merli-Sarnoski park has some decently flat areas.

Trying to think of streams that might work for you without much success. The "no-hill" restriction makes it difficult. There are streams I know with walkable shorelines, but some incline walking required to get to.

If you can't come up with an area that works for you, get in touch and we'll do some brain-storming.

IrishEyes wrote:
Do I need a Pa. handicap pass of some sort to fish there. Thanks for any info.

Not as far as I know. As others have posted, many PFBC sites have a handicap fishing spot, often a small pier or dock close to a parking lot so as to be wheelchair accessible. I don't know the area around Scranton well, but some trout streams in local parks are often pretty easy to get around. The Little Lehigh, for example, has fairly level, grass shorelines and doesn't require wading - however, this is down by Allentown. Good luck with the recovery.

I edited your thread title a bit - hopefully others will chime in.
Can you fish from a boat? I have a rowboat and I will probably take it out once or twice a week over the next few weeks. I don't use it for trout, mostly bluegills and smallmouths depending on where I fish. I'm about 30 minutes from Scranton (close to Carbondale) and fish Wayne County state ponds near where I live.