Hammer Creek


New member
Dec 21, 2011
I wish fishing at the very bottom of hammer creek where it joins another creek and becomes, what I believe, is cocalico creek. While fishing I saw a strange, small fish that I could only describe as looking like a catfish. Does anyone know if there are, in fact, catfish in the hammer or cocalico creek?
Not sure what you saw, but it's likely both Cocalico and lower Hammer have catfish in them.
Did not check the data, but it was most likely a margined madtom.
Not far upstream from where you were, at the covered bridge off of millway rd, when I was a kid I used o fish for mudcats and did very well.
jdl2425 wrote:
The margined madtom looks to be what I saw.

This is probably the case as these critters are common in habitat where SMBs are found. Locals usually refer to them as "stone cats" or (as Afishinado will tell you around Wilkes Barree), "catties." They're easy to identify due to their rounded, paddle like tail. A big one would be 5 or 6 inches.

In actuality, as Mike points out, they're marginated madtoms. True stone cats are found in western PA and are rare.

"Stone cats" are my favorite baitfish and I regard them as similar for bass as sculpins are in being a favorite food source for big trout. Although common, madtoms are nocturnal and very secretive and I rarely see them when fishing. They're probably the most effective live bait for big SMBs during the summer. Drive past a riffle area on the Susky, Potomac or any bigger WW river on a summer night and you'll sometimes see lights in the water. These are often locals out seining for "stonecats" for bait.
I didn't catch any smallies on the fly rod but I've caught them there before. I did catch a nice rock bass and some sunfish.