Hammer Creek Restoration



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Lititz, Pa

Good news! I was interested in hearing about this project from any DFTU members or anyone involved in the project. I know at some point I signed up for the Watershed group but was not active.

Also has anyone spent some time on any of the Lebanon County waters? I have only fished briefly above the pumping station. I also haven't fished much on the stretch above Speedwell. I know a number of people were concerned about the brook trout population. Also, has anyone fished either Walnut or Kettle in the last couple years. I've taken the dog along Walnut but have seen little evidence of trout in the last couple years.
"...identified numerous stretches of Hammer Creek with severely-eroded stream banks, wide and shallow areas with no riparian buffers, and significant livestock impact."

From the photos, that seems to sum up the situation. It looks like there is really great potential. All that's needed is a wide riparian buffer, with the cattle fenced away from the creek. You wouldn't even have to plant anything. You could just let the vegetation grow in on its own, and just control the invasive shrubs that always appear.
That video reveals how bad that section is. Some work and a buffer would have to help a lot. I have driven around the upper reaches and knew it was not good. It's great to hear that this project is moving forward. Thank to those involved in establishing good landowner relationships.
Thanks for posting Jeff. I generally don’t comment much about Hammer Creek because it gets plenty of pressure. I have had excellent fishing for mixed wild browns and native brookies the last two seasons. My last couple of outings, including one a few days ago, have not been at all productive but I am hoping it is just the very low water conditions. I did see plenty of redds - with the low water many of them are still very visible. I hope this project comes off. For this area Hammer Creek is really a special place.


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McSneek, that's great to hear. Thanks for the update!
This looks like a great site for a project. Livestock exclusion fencing, riparian plantings and some simple, log habitat structures will go a long way in improving the watershed. Look forward to seeing the final product.
That stretch is going to need a lot more than buffers and plantings. Those will be needed, but it is going to need to be narrowed very substantially if appropriate habitat for adult trout is desired. One only needs to see that farther downstream in some stretches near or in the SGL where the riparian buffer and vegetation is second growth forest, yet that habitat for adult ST is poor in summer. It may be ok in spring, but not for most of the year.

I recently saw a project on another stream of smaller scale, but was disappointed by the instream work, which did little to narrow the channel. Formerly shallow areas were predominantly still shallow.
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