Had another website take over when going on PAFF site



Dec 10, 2010
Earlier tonite I hit the PAFF button on my favorites bar, then I got a threat warning from my anti virus program. The adress changed in the adress bar and I got a japanese website about the wonder girls and some fund raiser, they are probably on some tv show over there. I closed the browser and tried again, this time I got a log in page for some site called ONON, and it said "No one told you about me, how did you find me." It also put it's icon where the fly is on PAFF. I tried other sites on my favorites bar and didn't have a problem. I deleted PAFF from my favorites, than scaned my computer and found 2 infected files, I deleted them and every thing is ok now.

Did anyone have this problem other than me?
Mine wasn't that severe but I apparently cannot go to the homepage without entering the site through the forums first. It takes me to some "Default Page". I back tracked through my history and found the URL for the forums and can access them without any issues.


If I type in the full "index.php" url I am fine. Never had to do that before but after re bookmarking the page it works fine.
I deleted my bookmark before I scanned and deleted the infected files and after everything was ok I put it back on my favorites bar and it's doing ok now. Like I was saying the other website even put it's own icon on the bookmark buttons.
Thanks for sharing the issue and the fix. You might want to clear your browser caches too.


This happened to me also...I am told it is "users without a clue".

Here I thought it was just me. Must be more than that.....

I have notice the latest version of Chrome seems to do well be acts a little strange on other sites for me. Firefox seems to behave best. I had someone PM about a problem here on Paflyfish and we found out there was a Chrome weirdness that has showed up.

I'm on my other computer now, I have been useing my laptop, but a couple hours ago I picked some thing up off of Windows Live that my advast can't even find. It's one of those things that try to get you to pay to remove it. It seems like they get off screwing with Micro Soft. My son has some mal ware that I'll use to clean it up. Both of my sons are IT specialist, they have to deal with these problems every day.
I can use the site here at home, but at the library computers I can't.

At first I could use it there, but someone or something was signed into my account, and I couldn't sign them out.

Now when I try to use access paflyfish at the library, I get an error message, and cannot open the website at all.
dkile wrote:
Is it from a bookmark or when you type in the URL?


At the library's computers I'm not using a bookmark. I tried using a Google search, which brings up paflyfish.com, but when I click it I get a full page of error message type computerese.

If I type in the URL, the same thing happens.

The next time the library's computer person is there, I'll ask them to take a look at it.
Troutbert's problem sounds a lot like the problem I have with the chrome or firefox browsers under linux. I get either a "Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception" with a screen full of HTML-ish stuff, or I am logged in as another user (Charlotte0.9) with no permissions and can not logout. I worked around this by just using my windows systems to access the board and figured that is was just something quirky on my end. But if it is more widespread there could be folks out there that think the site is down.

Thanks for the details. Working on this as well as a few other bugs. This really helps me. Some of these issues are a little more difficult than others to work out.

I cleaned my laptop up with mal ware bytes and super anti spyware and everythings been ok but I'm getting a lot of threats that are useualy blocked by my antivirus but they come from anywhere. The worst promblem came from Windows Live when I was logging in to check my Hotmail.
FrequentTyer and others,

I have deleted the Charlote account and this should not happen anymore. Please let me know if we see this again.


Thanks Dave. It seems to be working fine now.

dkile wrote:
FrequentTyer and others,

I have deleted the Charlote account and this should not happen anymore. Please let me know if we see this again.

