Had a good afternoon



Active member
May 28, 2010
Fished the Tully this afternoon for 1 1/2 hours. Caught 3 fish, a holdover 13" rainbow, a 20-21" brown that almost ripped my rod from my hands, and a 17-18" brown. All were extremely feisty considering the water temp (41 degrees). But the best came a bit later at the parking lot. I met a 30 year old inner city newbie who was looking for a mentor and someone to fish with. Told him he can fish with my son and I, and I will teach him the ropes, and show him how to tie flies. He was so excited he immediately called his wife to tell her the news. Feeling good about the day.
That is a great story. Thanks for sharing it with the message board.
I'm very particular who I fish with , I hold that act very sacred........ Glad you can help someone you don't know out......Good for your Karma.....:):):)
Definitely a good day Outsider congrats! I was there Saturday in the morning for about 4 hours and caught 4 though nothing close to the size you caught. I fished the upper section and oddly enough 3 of the 4 fish I caught were rainbows. I would imagine they also were hold overs. If i am correct they only stocked brown this year.
All are welcome in this house. In the past I've taken in teenagers who were discarded by their un-wanting, un-caring dipsh^t parents. Street children. They had to live by some basic rules and all were rewarded with love and caring. They all learned to love fishing and outdoor experiences. Never once did any of them do me wrong.
Opie, the upper half of the DH was stocked with rainbows only, which has been the norm.
Yep just checked that again and you are correct. Well that explains 3 out of 4 being rainbows.

Great day a nice work on your part. Passing the sport on to an appreciative person is way more rewarding than catching a pile of 20" fish. I'd imagine we'll see him on the forum soon and hope that he will also share the sport with someone else. If karma does exist, 2018 could be a good year for you.

I've done something similar on the upper D. Invited all on the forum to join in. We taken a bunch of guys over the last 7-8 years and showed them the system. Some experiences haven't been good but I kept doing it anyhow. As a result, I've met quite a few guys from the forum, made some acquaintances and some good friends. Several of us still get together and fish a couple of times a year. I've lent boats, gear and even raffled off half my stuff to raise money for the FUDR (and I'm pretty broke, lol). Sometimes, I'd get stuff back broken or not even get so much as a 'thank you'. Overall, i found it to be very rewarding.

The elitist attitude that is often found in fly fishing (and golf) is quite unflattering to the sport.
I have a couple of new understudies this season myself. It's a good thing to do for others, for the sport, and for yourself. I notice that I wind up improving my fundamentals as I try to teach them to others.