Hackle Tip vs Hook Size



Apr 3, 2009
I was up burning the midnight oil tying some BWO's in size #16 and #18 when a thought crossed my mind..... Since I began tying, I have always tied hackle tip wings on hook sizes up to #16, but only wrap hackle around the shank for sizes #18 and up. I have caught many trout on #18 plus flies so I don't think it matters too much to the trout, but I was wondering what everyone else does? Should I be tying hackle tip wings to #18's? What's the smallest size hook to which you add hackle tip wings?
My cutoff is at size 18 as well. To me, it's too much of a pain at that size and have not noticed a difference either. This has been discussed before and I'm sure you'll get responses on both sides of the fence.
I tie wings to 16. Any smaller, I may add some antron or poly for visibility, but that's it.
Only #18 I found it to matter on is a crane fly due to contrast between light body and dun wing.

Sometimes I'll put hackle tips on BWO and such in #18's and #20's just for snickers and giggles. Not that I think it matters but to simply satisfy myself.
I tie a lot of parachutes to match the hatch. I use antron or poly yarn for the wing post on smaller flies, and tie them down to size 24. I really doubt the wing makes much of a difference on a size 18 or < size fly. I need a post to wind the hackle, that's the only reason my smaller flies have wings.
IMO, hackle tip wings can be a pain - especially in smaller sizes - to tie.
I use gray turkey flats for my BWO wings - a lot easier to work with
I never thought about using gray turkey flats for BWO's. They are definitely easier to tie. I'm going to try it. Thanks.