gummy weight for nymphing?



Jul 28, 2010
Loon Outdoors makes this grey stuff called 'DEEP SOFT WEIGHT'... and yes, it DOES sounds like a cool name for a skin flick.
In lieu of a bb-style sinker, i got the Loon gummy weight stuff thinking i could tie off a nyph or two, pinch on this dense (yet soft) weight, and have at it. But no. While the gummy weight stuff IS sticky (good, right?), it simply won't stay still; it migrates up and down the ldr/tppt. i mean, i may as well be rolling a booger around my line for all the DEEP SOFT WEIGHT stuff seems to be doing (or NOT doing). Am i missing some trick? How does this stuff work?
If I remember correctly, people would put it over a knot in their tippet. But others have complained about the same thing.
I tried it and had the same problems. Too much fuss for me. I hoped it would simplify matters but just created frustration so I chucked it. I'm using no-tox split shot.
Ya, there is a lot better tung putty material out there. Orvis is decent.
I had problems with the loon product. It worked well once or twice then it sort of degraded. It wouldn't hold together and if I held it in water you could see the weight particles falling away. Used the tungsten soft tacky weight and found it much better.
I use tungsten putty quite a bit because I hate using micro shot since I find them hard to put them on and remove. Some brands of T-putty are worthless, while others work great. I've even found good and bad batches of the same brand.

I've got a container of the Orvis stuff, and its mixed.. Sometimes, it works great, but other times it just won't stick to the line, but instead just stays on my fingers and the little bit I get to stay on seems to disappear after a cast or two.

I still prefer to shot, because its easier to take on and off, and apply only the tiniest amount to help break surface tension and start the fly down, but not affect its action in the water by taking it down to the deck.

I also notice its really only good for one or two usages, if you try to keep reusing it turns to complete junk.
Afish pointed out why i tried the gummy crap:
the bb's are too bball-bbusting to pinch on and off.
Good to know that Gfen & others also feel the pain of the product's structural diminishment after only a short time, and while
the putty's strong desire to stay stuck to hands/fingers is
admittedly lecherous, it's more of a PIA.
Sadly, the soft weighted gummy/putty is prob'ly going the way of the dodo, buried somewhere under the glacier of other 'FF-stuff-that-don't-work' in my trunk.