gudebrod closed



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
don't know how many builders out there used it, but it seems gudebrod has shut it's doors. I've used thier thread quite a bit.
another pa business down the drain.
I hated the day whwen they stopped producing fly tying thread, even though the last year of product was not made to good spects when spooling.

I bought as much thread as I could when they stopped, and I'll probably do the same with the rod building thread.

(Pac Bay stuff sucks)
I'll probably give Mud Hole's Prowrap a try next time around although I still have a good supply of Gudebrod. Saw this posted on the site:

Pro Wrap

80 colors!

I understand they lost one of their big dental floss contracts which put them under.
i have one thing to say about gudebrod closing:AAAAAAARRRRRGGGH.

ONE OF MY FAVORITE FLY LINES IS a silk gudebrod.i collect vintage gudebrod silk too.
shakey wrote:
i collect vintage gudebrod silk too.

Well your collection just multiplied in value!