Greensburg Area beginner



Dec 22, 2010
Looking for someone in or near the Greensburg area who wouldn't mind giving me some hands on experience tying flies. I've been fly fishing for 5 years, but I'm a complete beginner at tying. I've literally never handled a vice, bobbin, etc (all those other tools which i don't even know the names of yet) so this would be a complete Tying101 introduction. I have a lot of free time this winter and I'd like to handle the equipment and learn how it works, before investing in any of it in case I decide it is/isn't for me. I saw a beginner's tying class at the Orvis shop in Pittsburgh, but I haven't found any locally. Anyway, if you want some company to show me the ropes on tying some basic easy patterns that I use a lot like zebra midges, green weenies, and walt's worms.. then I'd be more than appreciative. In return I could supply our day/night with some very rare/hard to get craft beers if that's something you're into. Thanks!
The Ken sink chapter of trout unlimited, which is based in Indiana PA is having a class in March I believe. Should not be too far from you. I think it's 7 Saturdays. I'll get some contact info for you at the next meeting. Infact the next meeting which is the first Tuesday in February is there annual fly tying round robin. If you want to go it's at the Indiana VFW, also known as indian springs golf course. Starts at 7 and is open to the public. Let me know if you want to go I'll meet you there. There will be lots of folks tying there and they love to talk.
Mountain Laurel Chapter of TU has fly tying classes every Saturday and Monday through the middle of February, in Richland.