Green rock worms



New member
Feb 3, 2010
Green rock worms I tyed last night
Sorry for the mess with no image in the first post.
Have a good end of the weekend.
This is a good example of the issues with posting photos.

First post is an unsuccessful attempt'

Second is successful but blows the margins.

Third is an apology for the first one.

Fourth is a 30 second attempt using the site software that is successful.


BTW, nice ties jaymason
Walts worm from last weeks class the more you tie the easer it gets
This is fun :)
that walts worm looks great with a natural bend hook like a dai-riki #270. those green rock worms look like a variation of a caddis larva, awesome job.
try to keep them more like the the top one. Middle and bottom are too thick. If you are looking to match the larvae, the partridge legs are not required.
The proportions (head to body) are very good.
Other then the fact they are caddis they are a fine bunch of flies. Rock worms, where does that come from?
rock worm is a common name for caddis least since the thirties.
Never heard that before in 40+ years of fly fishing, just saying.
yep rockworm=caddis
Caddis without cases (mostly green) = rockworms.

Cased caddis (stick case) = stickworms
Rock worm = found on and under rocks. That is where it comes from. :) It can get confusing with all this different jargon.
Caddis without cases (mostly green) = rockworms.

Cased caddis (stick case) = stickworms

Cased cadddis (stone case) = stoned worms ??????
Very funny Sandfly, no wonder trout are always filled with stones.
And if you see me tonight with an illegeagle smile it don't cost very much, but it lasts a long while, please don't tell the WCO I didn't kill any fish, Im just trying to have me some fun. Well done, hot dog bun, my sisters's a nun.

John Prine adapted.
Are yinz sure rock worms don't = crane fly larvae ? The locals call crane fly larvae , water worms and they have that gray , green color that those flies in the pics have but they , the naturals , are slightly longer.
osprey wrote:
Are yinz sure rock worms don't = crane fly larvae ? The locals call crane fly larvae , water worms and they have that gray , green color that those flies in the pics have but they , the naturals , are slightly longer.

Certainly could be possible although cranefly larvae are much larger than the biggest caddis larvae I've ever seen. But sure - folks use different names for different critters in different places. Here in my neck of the woods, the term "rock worm" as been used to refer to the green, crawling caddis pupae for at least some period of time. It seems to me that this term has been in common use for at least a decade or two. Perhaps it wasn't a term in common use in the past(?).

I suppose this is why scientists use scientific names. :-D
needs looking fly. have you tried it in any different colors?