Green Drakes - May Madness for Fly Fishing

Green Drake
I was looking through my photographs from last year and found a Green Drake snapshot, which is one of my favorites. Green Drakes (Ephemera guttulata) is one of my favorite flies to observe, too.

I say observe as I usually find myself on Penns Creek fishing while a huge Green Drake hatch is coming off and I am doing anything but catching a lot of trout. The mixed hatches that occur during this time of year are exciting and frustrating as many anglers would agree.

So this year I am going to stop practicing the fine art of talking to myself during the hatch and I might even throw on a sulphur or a should I dare say an emerger on during the madness?

The Green Drakes can start showing up around May 20th and are complemented by the Coffin Fly spinners which provide equal splendor during this time of year. So sit back and get ready to enjoy the show.
I had a God-like experience during a Green Drake hatch....