Greater Philadelphia Outdoor Sportshow 2010

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The Southeastern Pennsylvania Region was dealt another major snowstorm this past weekend. This leaves many just a little anxious to get outside even more than normal. It looks like the Greater Philadelphia Outdoor Sportshow in Oaks, PA on February 25-28 is going to offer us some much needed fun. There are plenty of great fishing, hunting and outdoor programs announced for the show. A little closer look revealed a very good line up for fly fishing anglers.

I am a big fan of Bob Clouser and I am excited to see he has seminars scheduled for Friday of the show. Bob is from Harrisburg and is best known for creating the world famous Clouser Minnow fly pattern used for catching numerous types of fish. Among his other notoriety, Bob is also highly respected for his smallmouth fly-fishing prowess on the Susquehanna. He will be holding seminars on how to tie is famous his Clouser Minnow and casting weighted lines and flies.

Other fly-fishing seminars throughout the weekend will be delivered at various times by Lefty Kreh and Ryan Sansoucy.

A variety of fly-fishing vendors will be on the exhibit floor including Temple Fork Outfitters, St. Croix Rods, Main Line Fly-Tyers, and Delaware River Shad Fishermen's Association.

Kype Magazine will be sharing a short film in the Fly Fishing theater.

Tony from TCO Fly Shop shared with me they will have a “huge” booth with Simms, Sage, RIO and other cool products.

Bryan Kelly from Kelly's White Fly Shop is setup to have a booth and I am sure able to share a lot of exciting knowledge about smallmouth fly-fishing on the Potomac River.

The show will be host to a variety of other outdoor sports activities, which should prove to very entertaining. There seems like all types opportunities for those interested fresh water and saltwater fishing by the world Fishing Network (WFN). There will be plenty of hunting seminars and a special program by the Outdoor Channel’s Deer City Team USA. Event organizers arranged for plenty of entertainment for the family too.

You can find out more about the Greater Philadelphia Outdoor Sportshow website here.
That guy in the pic is a stud
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And he hardly looks disgruntled. Must be the salt-water humidity.
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