Grannom hatch

Best hatch that occurs on my local trout waters, in my most humble opinion. I love the caddis hatches.
I saw quite a few adults last Saturday afternoon in Huntingdon county. The breeze was blowing the adults back onto the water and several trout were rising consistently for the easy meal. Good numbers of them on the stream. Hoping to encountered a decent hatch of them tomorrow in Cumberland county. My boxes are loaded with pupa and emergers.
Another article with info on Grannoms >
I was up in Central Pennsylvania this past week and the Grannoms were epic. I have been in locations where they were hatching, but nothing like I have seen before. There were some on the sides of the banks, but over the stream, they were like their own river of flies moving upstream. They would only slow down when a breeze would hit and then a few minutes later the wave of bugs would begin again.

There were so many, I had to button up the top of my shirt to keep them from going down my shirt as they bounced off my head. Shucks were all over the sides. I have a video below and not seen in the video, but visibility was reduced when you were looking far downstream with som many millions of insects in the air.

Awesome Dave. There were quite a few grannoms on Kish last weekend. I will be on one of the larger central PA waterways most of the day on Saturday, I'm hopefully ready to see good numbers of bugs and lots of rising fish.