Grannom Caddis



Active member
Feb 18, 2008
Any grannom pattern suggestions for the Little J.?

Dries, emergers, pupae...
Green weenies will do ok from what I've been told.

I'm interested in this one too, because I'll be damned if I don't make the grannoms out there this year.
I've had a ton of success fishing pheasant tails with a darker ribbing during the grannoms and also swinging a leadwing coachman a few inches under the surface during emergences.

As far as dries, just a standard cdc/elk caddis with a dark brown to black body. I'm sure a sparkle pupa would work well in the right colors also.
For dries a plain deer hair or snowshoe hair winged green or peacock bodied fly does OK for me.

For the emerger a traditional fly is a partridge (darker feather) and green soft hackle.
For the Little J. is size 12 and 14 good?
When do the grannoms usually come off?

I know there's a pretty good hatch around me (Neshannock/Slippery Rock). I've never hit the hatch yet though.
From what I understand around mid-April I think.
I hit the grannons real good on the little juniata last year on the friday following opening day.
I did well with a #14 fly, although the naturals looked just a little larger than that. I tied a few #12 to try this year.
The pattern I used is called a fluttering caddis, which you can google up to see.
for grannoms:
dark brown body
mottled brown deer
about 3 turns brown hackle collar just behind the eye
That's perfect if they are actually Grannoms. WE went to fish grannoms last year and found a huge hatch...of smaller size 16-18 little black caddis. Be prepared.


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tomgamber wrote:
That's perfect if they are actually Grannoms. WE went to fish grannoms last year and found a huge hatch...of smaller size 16-18 little black caddis. Be prepared.

that reminds me... I've been looking for BLACK elk hair, to tie some black elk hair caddis, and stone fly dries and can't find it anywhere... any help?
I don;t use black elk hair. Just use the dark unbleached elk hair with a black body and black hackle.
Jack deer and black bear will work too.
Markers are the most versatile tying tool out there. I've colored hair before. I've snapped the flies off before I had a chance to find out if the color would stay or not.
sandfly wrote:
Jack deer and black bear will work too.

Correct me if I am wrong cause I don't know from experience but heard bear hair is hard to keep dry. Is this true?
Regarding the size question. #14 is plenty big enough. Some are more like #16, if you look at the BODY SIZE. The wings extend well past the body, and when they are flying they look like big bugs, but the bodies are not very large. Size 14 and 16 is about right.

Size 12 is too big. I know certain books say size 12, but those books are wrong. IMHO!

BRW, the grannom hatch on the Little J is a crowded event now. Lots of bugs, but lots of fishermen too. Too crowded for me.
Grannon size - like other aquatic insects - can vary with different streams.
I use a #16 on oil and sugar creeks. But they are definitely larger on penns and the little j.