Got to teach some kids to tie at a benifit.



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
I had a post up in the meet ups section of the page about hoping to meet some members for some tying lessons and such at a charity type event that I was at this past weekend.

I made a sign and said free shirt if you learn to tie a fly. I got to teach 4 kids/teen/preteens how to tie. It was quite fun.

I will tell you one thing though, The girls caught on much faster than the guys did. It actually blew me away at some of the things I didn't tell them to do, and they just grasped nat. It was cool to watch them, holding the material, and wrapping the chenille. They used two hands and kept it tight the whole time with out instruction.

The boys....Not so much.

I had an absolute blast teaching these kids, and talking with them. Some of the questions I got about the fly we were doing were great.

"Do the trout really think this thing is a fish?"

"Why do you have a dead coyote sitting there?"

"Can I keep this when I am done tying it?"

None of the kids really gave me the notion that they would be too interested in nature to be honest, and maybe this peaked their interests a little. I didn't get that pre-teen vibe of "whatever, this is stupid" or "as if" if you get what I am saying. They all seemed generally interested in giving it a try, and not just for the shirt.

I am thinking that once my kids are all in school and at a decent age I may try and get an Intermural fly tying class going or something. I mean how can the wife object, Ill have all three of our kids in the class right?

If anyone has any insight on putting these types of classes together I would appreciate any info you would have for me. We are a ways away from it happening as my twin girls are 23 months and my son is 4.

Just thought I would share with you guys. If you ever get a chance to teach kids, or do some kind of thing like this; I highly recommend it!


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Good on you, Mike!

Kids looked like they were having a great time.