Good rainfall total maps?



Active member
Jan 5, 2007
I was hoping someone had something better than the one I have been using. It is very glitchy and I have been questioning its accuracy recently. Additionally, I have had trouble zooming in.
That one used to be the best, by far. They made some “updates” a couple months ago and I agree, it’s been iffy at best since. Hoping they sort it out, as it was the best one around, by a mile. Otherwise, I’m in the market too for another source.
I don't know how to post a link but use a map you can find by googling "NWS precipitation totals and flash flood guidance."
I typically just consult the USGS gauges that have total precip readings. Although not all of them do (and frankly most that do are not on what I’d consider premier water) they’re spaced out sufficiently for my purposes and as an added bonus directly correlate the measured rainfall amounts to cfs increases.
The wading pool for our dog measures a total rain event of 1 1/4" so far here near Grantville not far from Manada Creek.


Tim Murphy ;)
My son-in-law gave us a home weather station a few months ago. It was easy to install, connects to our wifi, and provides accurate information.