Good news for the White Clay Creek watershed



Active member
Oct 24, 2012
following the removal of two dams on the WCC in newark in December opening up 7 miles of water, the University of Delaware sampled the creek last week and found pods of hickory and american shad in five locations - including at the mouths of Red Clay Creek and Mill Creek upstream of the old dams.

over 200 fish were counted, which whilst not spectacular does lend hope that another run can be restored and this should benefit the whole delaware estuary fish and wildlife in time, including the striper run.

it also lends credence to the campaign to remove the remaining five dams upstream in delaware, and perhaps even the one in PA ?

anyway, congrats to UD, the NOAA and American Rivers - good job.

I don't believe there were any dams on white clay below the one in Delaware park which was above mill creek and red clay...
Pete, There was a dam below del park. It was an inflatable dam below where the red clay dumped into the white clay. It was kind of behind shone lumber.
It was the first one removed. It was removed before this recent effort. If I can remember, it was removed about three, maybe four years ago.

Some good news and confirms the hope that dam removals can quickly restore anadromous populations.
How can you remove something that is'nt there?
As a kid I swam at the point where the clays came together. Unaware of the inflatable as I moved away 40 years ago.Thanks for the info.