Good March patterns for Muddy Creek??



New member
Jul 7, 2009
Hello All,
I just moved to York county late last summer, so this will be my first full season fishing in the area. I figure I will probably be fishing Muddy Creek a lot, and was wondering if you guys could recommend some good patterns for March and early April. I tie my own flies, but I am not a master, so easier patterns would save me some frustration. Thanks to anyone willing to share!

I have seen some good hatches of Blk stones on muddy, streamers have worked well!

Maurice, is the guy that can help you out with more info!

Thanks Paul! Black Stones... I have a couple of stone patterns I like to tie, any size suggestions? I have a large variety of streamers in different colors in my box, easy to tie!! :)
muddy creek got its name because it gets real muddy after even a slight rain. nearly 14 miles of it is stocked while the Delayed harvest section is 2 miles long from 300 yards above the SR2032 bridge in bridgeton to 300 yards from bruce. all branches north and south are also stocked. it is a great early season water but warms in july. late april -may green caddis #14 , may gray foxs #14 , may sulphurs #16 , may march browns #12 , last week in may -june tan caddis #16 , may BWO #14 , july-aug tricos #24 , terrestrials in later summer months. because of the lack of insect on this stream , terrestrials are real important!

hope this helps
Thanks Trout, good advice! I have alot of those patterns already, although I will need to tie some more and in different sizes. I am thinking of going out there this Saturday, since the weather is supposed to be nice. Anything in particular you guys think I should take??
ratherbfishing wrote:
Thanks Trout, good advice! I have alot of those patterns already, although I will need to tie some more and in different sizes. I am thinking of going out there this Saturday, since the weather is supposed to be nice. Anything in particular you guys think I should take??

Take a snow shovel.

Whats been said is good, with the exception of a part of the Text from Troutslammer, (seems he copied that from a publication printed over ten years ago). The Delayed Harvest section he speaks of is now C&R. Probably about 9 miles of water between all branches and main stem of stocked water.

Maybe we run into each other sometime.

Oh I forgot, the little Black Stoneflys....#14 hook, black dubbing, down wing of z-lon or dun hackle tips, Dun or black hackle. a sparce black henryville special looking fly.

Oh and the only open water until opening day is the C&R section. Opening Day is April 3rd.