Giving Credit



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Yesterday got up to 72 degrees, a wonderful weather day for February. I tried to fish. I began on the BFO (big, famous, overfished) River without thinking. What often happens to me there did. I began, catching a few trout but then ran into guys, one floating in a rubber raft over a nice place I'd planned to try. Having a successful outing there wasn't going to happen, so I changed streams, which is what a spin-fisherman has reminded me is an idea that I got from him without giving him credit for the idea. So, I am now crediting him for the idea. I caught some fish on the second stream before leaving to come home and perform some tasks that needed to be done, including bringing in firewood and getting the woodburner ready for the upcoming cold weather that is scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Anyhow, I want to credit the spin-fisherman for the idea of changing streams when things are not going well on one stream. It is an idea that sometimes "saves the day,"

(I plan to give him further credit in a column I am writing for a small weekly, rural newspaper.)
Yesterday got up to 72 degrees, a wonderful weather day for February. I tried to fish. I began on the BFO (big, famous, overfished) River without thinking. What often happens to me there did. I began, catching a few trout but then ran into guys, one floating in a rubber raft over a nice place I'd planned to try. Having a successful outing there wasn't going to happen, so I changed streams, which is what a spin-fisherman has reminded me is an idea that I got from him without giving him credit for the idea. So, I am now crediting him for the idea. I caught some fish on the second stream before leaving to come home and perform some tasks that needed to be done, including bringing in firewood and getting the woodburner ready for the upcoming cold weather that is scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Anyhow, I want to credit the spin-fisherman for the idea of changing streams when things are not going well on one stream. It is an idea that sometimes "saves the day,"

(I plan to give him further credit in a column I am writing for a small weekly, rural newspaper.)
For sure, changing water can help a ton.

The cold front doesn't look very cold. A high of 42° on Saturday or something. The cold front is only cooling it down to normal temperatures for this time of year and then only for a couple days.
Having a love for fishing dry flies right from the get go - that's the way I've always fished.
If I don't like the fishing where I'm at, I won't hesitate to move to another section or another stream.
It certainly pays to move around.