Gierach Interviewed



Active member
Jan 21, 2008
This interview with Gierach was new to me, so perhaps it will be to others as well. Saw it mentioned on another board.
Thank you. I would never have found this on my own. I think Gierach is the best fly-fishing writer of our time.
"He is often fishing in his home state of Colorado or neighboring Wyoming, but his travels also have taken him to Alaska, Oregon, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, and Maine."

SNUBBED!!! I recall a story about fishing central PA in one of his books, anyway.

Good find. Thanks.
Since the time I started my journey into the world of fly fishing (20 years ago), I have been a Gierach fan. "Fishing Small Streams" was like a tutorial for me. I've read it dozens of times (as well as most of his other books) and learned much from it.

Thanks for a great read.

peace-tony c.