getting ready for spring



Jul 4, 2010
Havent posted in awhile, but heres my progress thus far. Tied pretty much all of them over Christmas break(6 weeks). Comments and/or suggestions on patterns welcome. Otherwise, cant wait for spring!

No dries?
Bah - humbug
Nice ties, they look awesome. Nice variety. They are definitely fish catchers!
Very nice ties. You have really nice tapers on your pt's and hares ears which is something I struggled with for awhile before getting the hang of it. I am assuming those are march brown nymphs on the second part of your box on the bottom with the 3 tails. I tie mine very similar to that and they crush on penns. Good looking box!
dang bro!! that my kind of fly box. what size are those biot bodied bwo nymphs? good looking flies all around man.
what size are those biot bodied bwo nymphs?

They are size 14. i plan on tying more of that same pattern in 16,18 and 20.

btw, thanks for the compliments guys!