Gas's second wind...



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Greensburg, PA
I hear it'll take ten years to build the thing but...

..and for those who might suggest my source is too liberal...I searched Fox "News" (should read "Olds") but all I could find was this 2 week old story.
Possibly good news job wise. Lets see what the environmentalists say.
Certainly good news for the Monaca area. 10k construction jobs, followed by 500 or so permanent jobs is a nice shot in the arm for a region.
They said that about VW and Sony...then as soon as the tax incentives end so does the plant. Packs up, moves out, folds. I don;t get how they can say that Pa isn't business friendly because of taxes ...hell, they don't pay any! At least for the first 15 years.

I realize I am being extreme (before FD feels he need to set me straight...but if its anything like the shale industry now...yeah, 10,000 construction jobs. You'll see NC and TX and OK license plates all over the place...
Well, there's probably a few battles to be fought before this is finalized, but you don't pack up and take something like this thing. You're talking a multi-billion dollar investment and miles of heavy metal pipe anchored to the ground.

Also, regarding the construction jobs, travelling workers is the norm, nature of the job. But as for the 500 workers who will run the plant, they are permanent jobs. If the people who run it are from Texas, they'll have to move here permanently and become PA residents.