Gas drilling wastewater disposal wells



Mar 18, 2007
There are at least eight disposal wells in PA. These wells are drilled to dispose of untreated frac chemical wastewater deep into the ground. I wonder what the long-term problems will be. There are a lot of problems on this topic in Texas.

Research is being conducted in Texas linking the disposal wells to earthquakes.
out of the frying pan and into the fire! it is possible for that kind of thing to trigger earthquakes, scientists think the three gorges dam on the yangtze in china has triggered earthquakes in the area, too much hydrological pressure.
some things are just beyond our technological control.
just think, pump the waste back into the ground, cause earthquake, waste water possibly mixes with clean water in auqifer, nice situation.
I think the long term problem will be the same as mine waste. The companies will take their profits and leave the clean up to us. Harrisbug better do something to have these companies set money aside for clean up after they are gone. Tax them on what gas they take and put the money in a clean up fund.
harrisburg gave up the severence tax to pass the budget, fat chance it that happens till at least the next elections. every other state has it, no reason we can't. "sure boys, come on and drill, take all ya want, don't worry about the mess, we'll take care of it!"