gas drilling on campus!!



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
heard today corbet tells colleges to pay for themselves by letting the gas companies drill on campus!
at least the rig pigs can stare at the co-eds all day!
this may be the dumbest thing the guy has done yet. and I used to call myself a republican!
Good plan. They'd be able to hire Tito Puente to teach jazz.
That has been happening already. IUP had a wellhead on one of the properties in town back around 1983. Much before my time of course.
I think having a shallow gas well or two is much different that having marcellus sites on college property.

Agree just saying the schools have had this happen before. I am not a big fan what has been done with the whole approach to drilling as of late. I think I have been pretty vocal on this issue. Not enough folks in the DEP to watch out for issues and not enough money, if any set aside, for remediation when there is a problem.

Pennsylvania has allowed for so much drilling and so quickly it is a gold rush turned into a gold rush situation. And much like the old west not much left when the gold is gone. What is the long term economic benefit let alone the conservation carnage that we will be left with?

this will look great beside the football stadium at penn state



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it's the scale of the operation that is the problem, the amount of land required, the amount of truck traffic, etc. these aren't the old vert wells that leave a little tank next to the road. these sites average 5 acres, and they do not go away. most of the equipment goes away, but collection tanks and such stay, and the area gets fenced off. the college loses 5 acres. in 20 years if the well slows down, they come back and refrac it.
bottom line, it's putting industrial sites on college campus's. small vert wells? big deal. marcellus wells? they are a big deal.
Just think... a gas well next to beaver stadium. The PSU broadcasters can install camera's to film the game. Put a crows nest with a Laz-E-Boy recliners on the top of the well rig and you can charge $$$ for a "bird's eye view" of the end-zone. A pulley system bucket to get yer ice-cold beer and hotdogs... sounds like a good seat! I wonder if my alumni points for tix can go for that well head seat or a sky box?
