Gary Borger's new book Fishing the Film



Active member
Feb 10, 2009

I bought it at Somerset, but I just can't be bothered to read it.

He's a phenomenal speaker, and clearly he knows what's going on... The book looks good, I like the simple line drawings inside, and I suspect its filled with knowledge I'd like to learn and master because as he was very adamant in saying: Its not just fishing hte surface, but taking advantage of that final few inches of water and the meniscus barrier it presents. Its of supreme important to a dry fly [d]purist[/d] snob like me, but, meh to technical books.

He wants to make this part of an exhaustive 20 part series of fly fishing technique.

gfen wrote:

I bought it at Somerset, but I just can't be bothered to read it.

He's a phenomenal speaker, and clearly he knows what's going on... The book looks good, I like the simple line drawings inside, and I suspect its filled with knowledge I'd like to learn and master because as he was very adamant in saying: Its not just fishing hte surface, but taking advantage of that final few inches of water and the meniscus barrier it presents. Its of supreme important to a dry fly [d]purist[/d] snob like me, but, meh to technical books.

He wants to make this part of an exhaustive 20 part series of fly fishing technique.

The book reads well. For me this is not reading and tying season, this is doing season. Somewhere I saw a comment he made about working on book three. So book two is likely at the publisher. Figuring two books a year that would be ten years. A long time for a book series. You can pre-order the whole set from his WEB site. I'll pass on the set and check em out one at a time.
gfen wrote:

I bought it at Somerset, but I just can't be bothered to read it.

He's a phenomenal speaker, and clearly he knows what's going on... The book looks good, I like the simple line drawings inside, and I suspect its filled with knowledge I'd like to learn and master because as he was very adamant in saying: Its not just fishing hte surface, but taking advantage of that final few inches of water and the meniscus barrier it presents. Its of supreme important to a dry fly [d]purist[/d] snob like me, but, meh to technical books.

He wants to make this part of an exhaustive 20 part series of fly fishing technique.

Trade you Mecks Tandem book for it
I think that Gary's " Presentaion" was his best book so far.I havent gotten this one yet and i doubt id pay for the set id pick each up and briefly peruse them,hes gettin up there and ya just never know if all the books will get done.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
jdaddy wrote:
Trade you Mecks Tandem book for it

Your "praise" of Meck's book not so good an endorsement, sir.

Besides, its been personalized to me and I've got a fly of his stuffed in the cover, too. Or somewhere.
gfen wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
Trade you Mecks Tandem book for it

Your "praise" of Meck's book not so good an endorsement, sir.

Besides, its been personalized to me and I've got a fly of his stuffed in the cover, too. Or somewhere.

Can fix 'dat with black sharpie.

But seriously. What does it say?

So long and thanks for all the feesh?

Not sure. I make all these guys sign their books for me, though. It'll make my unread library of unread fishing books that much more valuable when I'm dead, if you're named Gary at least.

"Who do you want me to make it out to?"
We had Gary Borger as a speaker at our TU banquet quite a few years ago
He was a big flop !!!
Not a good speaker at all ,nobody enjoyed him
Just my $ 0.02