GAR- City Fishing



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I have been city fishing every morning this week and have been having very good success. This morning was the best morning yet. I went to my honey hole this morning on the way to work. When I got down the bank to the river there were dozens of Gar sitting in the shallows. I only had a couple of clouser minnows on me. They were eager to take the fly but I could not set the hook. I had about 6 takes. I then remembered I had rope in the car. I went back up to my truck and found a piece of rope and cut off 4 in piece. I frayed it up and tied it on to the leader. Fish on !! I caught a half dozen or so before it was time to head to work. The rope floated so all of the takes were on the surface. It was pretty cool. It was really fun to watch them follow and take the fly. The only down side was getting the rope out of their mouths. Like a pair of pliers full of needles.
How big were they? I've seen articles on giant alligator gar down south and they just catch them and throw them on the bank. How could someone be so blaise about catching friggin' dinosaurs? Ah, what do I know, I got skunked on carp the other day.

20 in or so. The carp skunked me this morning, casted to about ten that were tailing. Some old yinzer told me that when they are on their heads like that it means their sick.

Also had the Kenny Chesney crew yelling at me cause my dogs were running all round their stuff all wet and barking. Avoid downtown 'burg tomorrow . Those people are nutz.
I wish I had some gar around my way :-( but I did find this article I hope it helps