Game Warden Shooting over a License Check. What the..



Active member
Feb 12, 2008
New Cumberland PA
Holy Crap! Stay out of Oklahoma.

Hands up, don't shoot!

He was wanted for parole violations for god knows what and was willing to drown the game warden to get away. The warden feared for his life and therefore was justified in using deadly force.
WildTigerTrout wrote:
He was wanted for parole violations for god knows what and was willing to drown the game warden to get away. The warden feared for his life and therefore was justified in using deadly force.

Bingo! A+.

Try abiding the law and these things won't happen. So exactly what did this guy think was going to happen if he drowned the man and got away? If their license selling process is anything like ours here in PA. I'm surprised LEOs weren't notified while he was there at the counter that he had warrants and picked him up in the parking lot. LOL. He brought a fishing rod to a gun fight. Dumbass. Well, dead dumbass!
Just so you know, my comment was purely sarcasm. I in no way was insinuating the warden did anything wrong.

That's assuming both parties are white.

More sarcasm.
That was pretty much a given Dave.... No prob.
I thought so, but wanted to make sure. Thanks.
Yep, yep.
We should all riot now and loot all the fishing stores :lol:
BradFromPotter wrote:
Holy Crap! Stay out of Oklahoma.

so why stay out of OK?

lots of A holes who would try and drown a WCO rather than run away perhaps ?

Law enforcement jobs are all dangerous. Lots of states ask for SS# before issuing a license. Back-round check. GG
That punk got exactly what he deserved! Mess with the law and it almost never turns out good. I don't condone the wrongful killing of a criminal, but most of these "victims" were scum, with lengthy records. Sociaty can do without them.