Gambling is illegal at Bushwood sir and I never slice.



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
Since the heat and low water has pretty much killed the fishing for a while, I'll throw this one out there to see if anyone bites.......

Any of you fly fishing fruitcakes want to get together and tee it up?

#1. Know how to have fun
#2. Shoot 65 or 125....I don't care, just do it in a timely fashion (4hrs)
#3. Beer drinking (man beer, none of that fancy IPA crap).
#4. Can hit a par 5 in two and still make a 7.
#5. Willing to play $2 Nassau or $0.50 skins against Tiger in his prime.
#6. Insists on sharing complete BS fishing stories while I'm trying to grind out an 84. Lol

Willing to drive an hour if we can get interest and a venue that works for everyone. Speak up if interested. 48 hour cancellation policy in effect unless you drive a Mini, in which case we'll expect you to break down on the way to the course.
I am in if I can fit it into my schedule. What day are you thinking about?
Shoot, that's funny. And I do think I meet all of those qualifications! I'll add a #7...plays "Winter Rules" in the middle of Summer. I don't pay good money to hit off of bad lies, within reason.

I'm in, provided 3 out of my next 4 weekends are already toast. I'd be good the weekend of 8/6, or the last two in August. I'd be willing to take a weekday off too if need be, as long as it isn't next week...corporate brass in town that week. Some real good deals out there on weekday rounds.

Somebody bring a Tacoma to tow my Mini.

I played this past weekend and was 6 over through 13...shot an 88...yeah, do the math on those last 5 holes. Does anyone know of any 13 hole golf courses?
OK, now we formulate plan. Weekend rounds work best for me but could burn personal day to play during the week. Saturday 8/6 would also work for me. Rick, any times better for you? We'll also have to select area that is convenient for all. Since I'm up along Susky and believe you two are Philly area..... Iron Valley seems to be middle ground and should make everyone look real bad. Lol.

Last Saturday, 13 pars, one bird, one bogey, 2 dubs and a quad......and no balls OB or in hazard. Lol.

Most pathetic finishes..... In PA publinks (years back), I was -3 through 14 holes and carded an 80. Strong finish with a weak mind. I also fired 32 / 48 at Foxchase in winter golf tour. The scoring guy said "that had to be one of your more entertaining 80's". Lol.
That area, and date (08/06) works for me. My personal preference in that area is Fairview over Iron Valley, but both are good courses and 5 mins or less off the TPike...and another 5 minutes away from a couple good post round watering hole/pub grub type places.

kray - I'd say 90% of my golf anymore is 9 holes at a time, which is generally how I like it...get to the wings and beer quicker. I play in a 2 man team scramble after work league once a week, and am solid for that. We're currently 8-0, with a couple matches in the coming weeks against two of the other top teams before playoffs start.

I've only played 18 holes 3 times this year, and all three went about the same as Saturday. Was looking to be in the low 80's through 13 or 14 holes, then completely fell apart and ended up with 88/89/91. My swing just gets tired and I either start hitting fat pull hooks or leaving the barn wide open and hitting high, short block fades...usually alternating with one another!

Saturday's work best for me. Sunday after 2:00 pm. I am open to a personal day also. Could play Daulphin Highlands, I like that course.
Dauphin Highlands works for me. Iron Valley has a reduced rate if you play before 8. Royal Manchester is the other good one in the area.

Saturday August 6th looks good for me. All fish species I target should be dead by then so golf it is. Not sure how early you guys get up but I'm good for any tee time after 6am. Just let me know when, who's in and I'll get a time set.
I'm in. As early as you want is fine with me. If early in the AM, we could possibly combo it with Smallies on the Susky or lower J in the afternoon...just a thought, especially if playing DH. Less practical prob if playing out toward Leb/Lanc.

Edit: Royal Manchester looks really cool...never played there, but would like to from the look of it. That gets my vote.
The Greens at RM are smooth as pool tables and roll 12 on stimp meter's also the most expensive of the 3.
krayfish2 wrote:
The Greens at RM are smooth as pool tables and roll 12 on stimp meter's also the most expensive of the 3.

Super. That'll mess me up nice and good for the course I play my weekly league at.

DH was the last course that I played (a couple years ago now) that I felt like I played well and still got my butt kicked. I've played bad plenty since but I remember feeling like I played well that day and still shooting 90ish.
Andy, Sorry I can not make. I am available August 8th, 9th or 10th if you or anyone else can play during the week.
I'm burning a personal day tomorrow and I'm not sure they'll let me off 3 Mondays in a row. I'd have to guess my best day is still Saturday the 6th. We still have plenty of time before the cold weather. Have you played Broad Run? I played it way back when it opened as Tattersall. From what I can remember, it was pretty good.

We good for Royal Manchester?
Never played Broad Run. Sounds good. I will PM dates.
krayfish2 wrote:
We good for Royal Manchester?

Lock it in. We can discuss the details and post round fishing (or wing/beer) options via PM.

We're playing the other unbeaten team in my after work league this week...last week of the regular season. They're kind of our arch rivals. Our only loss last year, and then they beat us in the championship stroke both times. Winner gets the 1 seed for the playoffs, either way we've clinched a bye though...that'll give me an extra week to adjust back to "regular" PA greens...haha.

Broad Run is a nice course, some differnent, fun holes there. Gotta think your way around that one a bit. Honeybrook is on my list to try this year 5 minutes from it and never played it!
PM has been sent.
Please delete. I'll start a new golfing meet up thread.